Feral Hogs can be a problem in many areas. Click HERE for a good overview by Texas Parks and Wildlife
Trapping can be an effective approach for assessment and control of feral hogs. The goal is to catch a significant quantity of feral hogs (known as "Sounders").
One project related to that is a "Feral Hog Assessment and Control Project" as a "sponsored project" (to serve a customer) of the Bastrop High School "Ag Mechanics Class" which is part of "Career and Technical Education" (click HERE) at BISD to help students prepare for meaningful careers. Click HERE for an overview of that project and HERE for design details on this project.
One project related to that is a "Feral Hog Assessment and Control Project" as a "sponsored project" (to serve a customer) of the Bastrop High School "Ag Mechanics Class" which is part of "Career and Technical Education" (click HERE) at BISD to help students prepare for meaningful careers. Click HERE for an overview of that project and HERE for design details on this project.