People helping people with gardening
Welcome to our club and thanks from the Bastrop Library
We learn from each other and from programs about the challenges, opportunities, joys, and frustrations of gardening in central Texas. Meeting goals: support gardening, have fun, and share and learn useful "nuggets of useful information".
Come join us!
Come join us!
The 2023-2024 meetings will be on Tuesdays Sep 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12, 2023, Jan 9, Feb 13, Mar 12, Apr 9, and May 14, 2024. Prior programs are listed on pages on our web site.
October 10 2024
The meeting program will be on...
September 1, 2024
Compost is s a good way of improving soil structure with organic material in a sustainable "Green" manner. Gardeners can do composting at home (e.g. recycle garden and home organic waste) in. However, commercial compost can be a way to get quality compost in an efficient manner. One major local compost supplier is "Organics By Gosh" near Bastrop. Zach Thomas, OBG Gen. Mgr., will provide an overview of their products and processes for compost production on an efficient large scale. This system is also supportive of "Green goals" where they recycle yard waste and food waste (e.g., from restaurants, etc.) which is far superior to disposal in landfills.
Plant Sale May 4, 2024
We had our annual plant sale on Saturday May 4 for 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Bastrop Public Library. This is held in conjunction with the Friends of the Library annual book sale. We had have a wide variety of plants, at good prices, which are appropriate for planting at this fine time of the year for gardening. We had have a large variety of plants for sale which are appropriate for our area. Click HERE for the current list of plants (62+) which were offered for sale. We will also had gardening gurus to answer questions and provide suggestions for success. Click HERE for Shutterfly “album” for pictures from our May 4 plant sale The proceeds from this sale will benefit Bastrop Public Library Children's programs and some projects. We will also provide information on a community service project supported by our Club which is “Smart Bird Houses for the Bastrop Library” which supports birds, nature and Bastrop “Bird City Texas” recognition. Click HERE for information on that public service project.
The Lost Pines Garden Club mission includes “Gardeners helping gardeners” and our community.
April 9, 2024
The meeting program was on "Spring Gardening" by Gail Smith who is a 5th Generation Bastrop County Resident. Gail has been a Bastrop County Master Gardener since 2017 and a Vegetable Gardening Specialist since 2018. Gail is the Vegetable Gardening Teacher for Bastrop County Master Gardeners and the Director of Operations for the Demonstration Garden at Bob Bryant Park. Gail is also a member of the Lost Pines Garden Club. Click HERE for Gail's informative presentation.
March 12, 2024.
The meeting program was on "Birds and Gardening" by Luke Thomson. Luke descirbed ways that we, inlcding gardners, can help support birds in our community. Luke is a Wildlfie Biologists Natraist and Preidnert of the Audobon Soiucty of Bastrop County. Click HERE for Luke's informative presentation.
February 13, 2024.
The meeting program was on "Spring Medicinals in the Garden" by Caitlin Harris Moore. Caitlin described techniques for growing medicinal herbs for springtime and throughout the year in Texas. Caitlin is the owner of "Shepards Flock". Click HERE for information this innovative business. Shepard's Flock is a woman-owned and operated Elgin-based permaculture farm specializing in Texas native habitats, medicinal herbs and the cultivation of seasonal produce. The owner, Caitlin, focuses on growing with easy and natural supplements and processes.
"Bird houses Project" for Bastrop Public Library. This is a current project by our Club for the Library and Bastrop Community. Click HERE for more information.
January 9, 2024.
The meeting program was be on "Organic Pest Mangement" by Dakoka Kempken Bastrop County Extension Agency which serves our community by provide advice and services (Click HERE). Techniques that Dakota will describe can be effective for recognizing and dealing with pests using organic methods as much as possible. This emphasizes biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. Uses natural systems and processes to stimulate growth, manage diseases, and control pests. The meeting will also include a brief summary of a recent “Raised Bed Garden” project at the Smithville Recreation Center (a public service project) supported by our Club in conjunction with other organizations. This project was summarized in a newspaper article (Click HERE). Another planned project is "Bird Houses at the Bastrop Public Library". Click HERE for information.
December 12, 2023.
The meeting was a Christmas Party with White elephant exchange.
November 14, 2023.
The meeting program was Innovative Gardening Techniques and Projects" by Norman Jones, and Kirk Hubble. This provided information on some gardening techniques and practical projects including "Raised bed gardens" and "Hydroponics Gardens" which can be effective especially in challenging areas and weather (e.g., hot and dry). Two example "public service" projects, are a Hydroponics Garden at In the Streets-Hands Up High (Transistional Housing shelter and soup kitchen) and a Raised Bed Garden (partially supported by our Club and the Smithville Garden Club) at the Smithville Recreation Center and a Hydroponics Garden. Click HERE for Normans' presentation and HERE for Kirk's presentation. Click HERE for a YouTube video of the presentations. Click HERE for a summary of that and some progress pictures.
October 10, 2023.
The meeting program was on “Wildfire Risk Reduction Benefits and Techniques” by Logan MacMillian who is our Forester with The Texas A&M Forest Service which serves Texas. Wildfires can be a risk, including in our area, for property, people, and animals. Logan will provide information on benefits and practical techniques which residential/rural homeowners (and communities) can do to reduce wildfire risks which is especially valuable and necessary as “hot and dry” becomes more common. Practical techniques (including avoiding mistakes) can make a big difference on how we and our properties are affected by these possible wildfire events. Click HERE for Logan's informative presentation.
Our meeting was September 12, 2023 program was "Xeriscaping for Gardeners" by Dakota Kempken, Bastrop County Extension Agency which serves our community by provide advice and services. Click HERE for Dakota's great presentation. Click HERE for the website. Dakota provided an overview of techniques and benefits Xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is an effective approach for drought resistant gardens. There is much information on this valuable approach such as HERE . Click HERE for Dakota's short biography. Dakota provided a brief overview of the services offered by his office and suggestions for steps that gardeners should do as we enter into this great time of the year for gardeners. Approaches such as Xeriscaping and proper planning and preparation can help deal with the challenges we have as "hot and dry" become common. This office also provides newsletters such as HERE and seminars.
Program for May 9, 2023. The excellent program was on "Vegetable Gardening in Ground Alternatives” by Gail Smith, Master Gardener since 2018 and completed the Master Gardener Specialty Course in 2018. Gail provided information on very efficient (including space and water) approaches for growing vegetables in many types of space (indoor as well as outdoor) with extended (or year-round) growing seasons. Gail provided examples of lessons learned and success stories. Click HERE for her informative presentation.
Program for April 11, 2023. The program was on "Birds in Bastrop County" by Michael Goebel, President of Bastrop Audubon Society. Mike provided information on birds as a valuable part of our natural environment and gardens. This will include information on identification, characteristics, and what we can do to support birds. To some extent, this program complements our informative February and March programs on Wildlife Support. Click HERE for Mike's informative presentation.
Program for March 14, 2023. The program was on "Support of Wildlife in Gardens and Rural Properties” by Norman Jones. Norman will describe some practical measures that gardeners and property owners (ranging from suburban/city to rural property owners with large tracts of land) can do to support wildlife, natural beauty, and conservation goals in our varied area. Click HERE for Norman's informative presentation. Click HERE for a video recording of the meeting. One message is that "This project supports wildlife and conservation, is not complicated or expensive and could be accomplished by most any person or organization/group".
Program for February 14, 2023. The program was on "Creating a Wildlife Garden". The presentation was by Marcia Ericksons (Lost Pines Master Naturalist and Master Gardener). Her informative presentation provided information such as habitat, native plants, and soil preparation. Click HERE for her informative presentation and HERE for her list of resources. Click HERE for the video of presentation at the meeting.
Program and Meeting for January 10, 2023. The program was "Composting Benefits and Techniques" by Cathy Hewett who is a co-owner of a landscaping company that has being doing composting and gardening for over 20 years. She will cover composting benefits and techniques for improving the soil (a “magic” of gardening “and being “Green”. Click HERE for her informative presentation.
Program and Meeting for October 11, 2022. The program was "Texas Native Plants”. This will be by Madalyn Miller, Interpreter and Volunteer Coordinator of Bastrop & Buescher State Parks.
Program and Meeting for September 13, 2022. The program was on "Hydroponics Gardening”. Hydroponics gardening is a way to grow plants including vegetables and flowers, etc. in a very water and space efficient manner. "Better gardening and farming" is especially necessary as climate changes occur. Gardening can also be a way to address food insecurity. Hydroponics gardening can also be an effective way to address food insecurity where people grow their own food in a limited space with an extended growing season. This program will be by Norman Jones who is leading some hydroponics gardening projects. Click HERE for Norman's presentation on this topic including DIY systems for home or community applications. Click HERE or HERE for some examples of medium and large scale commercial hydroponics operations.
Prior Program and Meeting for November 9, 2021. The program was on "Bees in our Gardens and Beekeeping 101”. Bees are mutually beneficial to plants and humans including gardeners. Some information provided at the meeting included beekeeping principles and practices, plants which are good for pollinators, and measures to support bees. The presentation was by by Megan Maples owner of Backroads Apiary LLC. Megan is a 5th year beekeeper in Texas. She is in the Master Beekeepers program through Texas A&M. Megan’s Backroads Apiary is registered with Texas Aviary Inspection Service (TAIS). Her website is
Plant and book sale on Sept 25, 2021. This important event (held in conjunction with the Library Book sale) to support the Bastrop Library summer children's program occurred on Saturday September 25 from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm (or when plants are sold) . We had a good selection of plants (click HERE) and "Gardening experts" to provide advice. Funds raised will go mainly to support the valuable summer children's program at the Bastrop Public Library.
Program and Meeting for September 14, 2021. The program “ Irises: suggestions for success with these fine flowers for our Gardens". The program was be by Linden Manelski who recently moved from California to Bastrop County (welcome Linden). One aspect of her presentation will be her lessons learned in transplanting many Irises for her prior home in California to our part of Texas. Gardening is always a combination of challenges and opportunities. Click HERE for Linden's informative presentation.
Program and Meeting for February 9, 2021. The program will be "Earth-Kind Landscaping Methods”. Earth-Kind Landscaping combines traditional and organic gardening techniques to meet four goals: conservation of water, reduction of chemical and fertilizer use, energy conservation and reduction of solid wastes in landfills. Earth-Kind was developed by Texas A&M. Here is information on Earth-Kind. The program will be by Alice Traugott who has been a Master Gardener since 2017 when the program first came to Bastrop County. Alice became a certified Earth-Kind Specialist in 2018. Alice lives in Bastrop on Main Street and has a large Cactus and Succulent Garden (her favorites).
This was a “Zoom meeting” to allow “safe and easy” participation by “attendees” while complying with COVID guidelines. This type of meeting is not ideal but offers potential benefits in these challenging times where participants can join and interact in a safe matter from anywhere.
Another topic will be a possible opportunity for a fall event held in conjunction with the Bastrop Public Library.
Gardening is great even during COVID challenges. We look forward to “life after COVID” including for our Club. Some of us has received our first COVID vaccine shots (Hurray!). One site to register at is this worked very well for us.
Feel free to invite a friend, neighbor, etc. to our Club meetings which should be informative.
There may also be a field trip to a ranch near Kovar Texas (south of Smithville) which shows support of desirable vegetation and habitat improvement for wildlife.
The 2023-2024 meetings will be on Tuesdays Sep 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12, 2023, Jan 9, Feb 13, Mar 12, Apr 9, and May 14, 2024. Prior programs are listed on pages on our web site.
October 10 2024
The meeting program will be on...
September 1, 2024
Compost is s a good way of improving soil structure with organic material in a sustainable "Green" manner. Gardeners can do composting at home (e.g. recycle garden and home organic waste) in. However, commercial compost can be a way to get quality compost in an efficient manner. One major local compost supplier is "Organics By Gosh" near Bastrop. Zach Thomas, OBG Gen. Mgr., will provide an overview of their products and processes for compost production on an efficient large scale. This system is also supportive of "Green goals" where they recycle yard waste and food waste (e.g., from restaurants, etc.) which is far superior to disposal in landfills.
Plant Sale May 4, 2024
We had our annual plant sale on Saturday May 4 for 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Bastrop Public Library. This is held in conjunction with the Friends of the Library annual book sale. We had have a wide variety of plants, at good prices, which are appropriate for planting at this fine time of the year for gardening. We had have a large variety of plants for sale which are appropriate for our area. Click HERE for the current list of plants (62+) which were offered for sale. We will also had gardening gurus to answer questions and provide suggestions for success. Click HERE for Shutterfly “album” for pictures from our May 4 plant sale The proceeds from this sale will benefit Bastrop Public Library Children's programs and some projects. We will also provide information on a community service project supported by our Club which is “Smart Bird Houses for the Bastrop Library” which supports birds, nature and Bastrop “Bird City Texas” recognition. Click HERE for information on that public service project.
The Lost Pines Garden Club mission includes “Gardeners helping gardeners” and our community.
April 9, 2024
The meeting program was on "Spring Gardening" by Gail Smith who is a 5th Generation Bastrop County Resident. Gail has been a Bastrop County Master Gardener since 2017 and a Vegetable Gardening Specialist since 2018. Gail is the Vegetable Gardening Teacher for Bastrop County Master Gardeners and the Director of Operations for the Demonstration Garden at Bob Bryant Park. Gail is also a member of the Lost Pines Garden Club. Click HERE for Gail's informative presentation.
March 12, 2024.
The meeting program was on "Birds and Gardening" by Luke Thomson. Luke descirbed ways that we, inlcding gardners, can help support birds in our community. Luke is a Wildlfie Biologists Natraist and Preidnert of the Audobon Soiucty of Bastrop County. Click HERE for Luke's informative presentation.
February 13, 2024.
The meeting program was on "Spring Medicinals in the Garden" by Caitlin Harris Moore. Caitlin described techniques for growing medicinal herbs for springtime and throughout the year in Texas. Caitlin is the owner of "Shepards Flock". Click HERE for information this innovative business. Shepard's Flock is a woman-owned and operated Elgin-based permaculture farm specializing in Texas native habitats, medicinal herbs and the cultivation of seasonal produce. The owner, Caitlin, focuses on growing with easy and natural supplements and processes.
"Bird houses Project" for Bastrop Public Library. This is a current project by our Club for the Library and Bastrop Community. Click HERE for more information.
January 9, 2024.
The meeting program was be on "Organic Pest Mangement" by Dakoka Kempken Bastrop County Extension Agency which serves our community by provide advice and services (Click HERE). Techniques that Dakota will describe can be effective for recognizing and dealing with pests using organic methods as much as possible. This emphasizes biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. Uses natural systems and processes to stimulate growth, manage diseases, and control pests. The meeting will also include a brief summary of a recent “Raised Bed Garden” project at the Smithville Recreation Center (a public service project) supported by our Club in conjunction with other organizations. This project was summarized in a newspaper article (Click HERE). Another planned project is "Bird Houses at the Bastrop Public Library". Click HERE for information.
December 12, 2023.
The meeting was a Christmas Party with White elephant exchange.
November 14, 2023.
The meeting program was Innovative Gardening Techniques and Projects" by Norman Jones, and Kirk Hubble. This provided information on some gardening techniques and practical projects including "Raised bed gardens" and "Hydroponics Gardens" which can be effective especially in challenging areas and weather (e.g., hot and dry). Two example "public service" projects, are a Hydroponics Garden at In the Streets-Hands Up High (Transistional Housing shelter and soup kitchen) and a Raised Bed Garden (partially supported by our Club and the Smithville Garden Club) at the Smithville Recreation Center and a Hydroponics Garden. Click HERE for Normans' presentation and HERE for Kirk's presentation. Click HERE for a YouTube video of the presentations. Click HERE for a summary of that and some progress pictures.
October 10, 2023.
The meeting program was on “Wildfire Risk Reduction Benefits and Techniques” by Logan MacMillian who is our Forester with The Texas A&M Forest Service which serves Texas. Wildfires can be a risk, including in our area, for property, people, and animals. Logan will provide information on benefits and practical techniques which residential/rural homeowners (and communities) can do to reduce wildfire risks which is especially valuable and necessary as “hot and dry” becomes more common. Practical techniques (including avoiding mistakes) can make a big difference on how we and our properties are affected by these possible wildfire events. Click HERE for Logan's informative presentation.
Our meeting was September 12, 2023 program was "Xeriscaping for Gardeners" by Dakota Kempken, Bastrop County Extension Agency which serves our community by provide advice and services. Click HERE for Dakota's great presentation. Click HERE for the website. Dakota provided an overview of techniques and benefits Xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is an effective approach for drought resistant gardens. There is much information on this valuable approach such as HERE . Click HERE for Dakota's short biography. Dakota provided a brief overview of the services offered by his office and suggestions for steps that gardeners should do as we enter into this great time of the year for gardeners. Approaches such as Xeriscaping and proper planning and preparation can help deal with the challenges we have as "hot and dry" become common. This office also provides newsletters such as HERE and seminars.
Program for May 9, 2023. The excellent program was on "Vegetable Gardening in Ground Alternatives” by Gail Smith, Master Gardener since 2018 and completed the Master Gardener Specialty Course in 2018. Gail provided information on very efficient (including space and water) approaches for growing vegetables in many types of space (indoor as well as outdoor) with extended (or year-round) growing seasons. Gail provided examples of lessons learned and success stories. Click HERE for her informative presentation.
Program for April 11, 2023. The program was on "Birds in Bastrop County" by Michael Goebel, President of Bastrop Audubon Society. Mike provided information on birds as a valuable part of our natural environment and gardens. This will include information on identification, characteristics, and what we can do to support birds. To some extent, this program complements our informative February and March programs on Wildlife Support. Click HERE for Mike's informative presentation.
Program for March 14, 2023. The program was on "Support of Wildlife in Gardens and Rural Properties” by Norman Jones. Norman will describe some practical measures that gardeners and property owners (ranging from suburban/city to rural property owners with large tracts of land) can do to support wildlife, natural beauty, and conservation goals in our varied area. Click HERE for Norman's informative presentation. Click HERE for a video recording of the meeting. One message is that "This project supports wildlife and conservation, is not complicated or expensive and could be accomplished by most any person or organization/group".
Program for February 14, 2023. The program was on "Creating a Wildlife Garden". The presentation was by Marcia Ericksons (Lost Pines Master Naturalist and Master Gardener). Her informative presentation provided information such as habitat, native plants, and soil preparation. Click HERE for her informative presentation and HERE for her list of resources. Click HERE for the video of presentation at the meeting.
Program and Meeting for January 10, 2023. The program was "Composting Benefits and Techniques" by Cathy Hewett who is a co-owner of a landscaping company that has being doing composting and gardening for over 20 years. She will cover composting benefits and techniques for improving the soil (a “magic” of gardening “and being “Green”. Click HERE for her informative presentation.
Program and Meeting for October 11, 2022. The program was "Texas Native Plants”. This will be by Madalyn Miller, Interpreter and Volunteer Coordinator of Bastrop & Buescher State Parks.
Program and Meeting for September 13, 2022. The program was on "Hydroponics Gardening”. Hydroponics gardening is a way to grow plants including vegetables and flowers, etc. in a very water and space efficient manner. "Better gardening and farming" is especially necessary as climate changes occur. Gardening can also be a way to address food insecurity. Hydroponics gardening can also be an effective way to address food insecurity where people grow their own food in a limited space with an extended growing season. This program will be by Norman Jones who is leading some hydroponics gardening projects. Click HERE for Norman's presentation on this topic including DIY systems for home or community applications. Click HERE or HERE for some examples of medium and large scale commercial hydroponics operations.
Prior Program and Meeting for November 9, 2021. The program was on "Bees in our Gardens and Beekeeping 101”. Bees are mutually beneficial to plants and humans including gardeners. Some information provided at the meeting included beekeeping principles and practices, plants which are good for pollinators, and measures to support bees. The presentation was by by Megan Maples owner of Backroads Apiary LLC. Megan is a 5th year beekeeper in Texas. She is in the Master Beekeepers program through Texas A&M. Megan’s Backroads Apiary is registered with Texas Aviary Inspection Service (TAIS). Her website is
Plant and book sale on Sept 25, 2021. This important event (held in conjunction with the Library Book sale) to support the Bastrop Library summer children's program occurred on Saturday September 25 from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm (or when plants are sold) . We had a good selection of plants (click HERE) and "Gardening experts" to provide advice. Funds raised will go mainly to support the valuable summer children's program at the Bastrop Public Library.
Program and Meeting for September 14, 2021. The program “ Irises: suggestions for success with these fine flowers for our Gardens". The program was be by Linden Manelski who recently moved from California to Bastrop County (welcome Linden). One aspect of her presentation will be her lessons learned in transplanting many Irises for her prior home in California to our part of Texas. Gardening is always a combination of challenges and opportunities. Click HERE for Linden's informative presentation.
Program and Meeting for February 9, 2021. The program will be "Earth-Kind Landscaping Methods”. Earth-Kind Landscaping combines traditional and organic gardening techniques to meet four goals: conservation of water, reduction of chemical and fertilizer use, energy conservation and reduction of solid wastes in landfills. Earth-Kind was developed by Texas A&M. Here is information on Earth-Kind. The program will be by Alice Traugott who has been a Master Gardener since 2017 when the program first came to Bastrop County. Alice became a certified Earth-Kind Specialist in 2018. Alice lives in Bastrop on Main Street and has a large Cactus and Succulent Garden (her favorites).
This was a “Zoom meeting” to allow “safe and easy” participation by “attendees” while complying with COVID guidelines. This type of meeting is not ideal but offers potential benefits in these challenging times where participants can join and interact in a safe matter from anywhere.
Another topic will be a possible opportunity for a fall event held in conjunction with the Bastrop Public Library.
Gardening is great even during COVID challenges. We look forward to “life after COVID” including for our Club. Some of us has received our first COVID vaccine shots (Hurray!). One site to register at is this worked very well for us.
Feel free to invite a friend, neighbor, etc. to our Club meetings which should be informative.
There may also be a field trip to a ranch near Kovar Texas (south of Smithville) which shows support of desirable vegetation and habitat improvement for wildlife.
Our meetings is open to the public at no charge. Meetings start at 6:30 pm with snacks and socialization followed by club business and a program by "gardening gurus" until 8:00 pm.
Plant and book sale, Silent Auction and Quilt raffle was held on Mar 29-30, 2019. This great event will support the Bastrop Library summer children's program.
The Plant Sale, Silent Auction, and Quilt Raffle will support the Bastrop Library summer children's activity and reading program. This built upon the 2018 (and prior) event which had 203 programs and a large number of children in the Bastrop community. Click here for a slideshow of this summer program. This will be held in conjunction with the "Friends of the Library" annual book sale. We offer hard-to-find, Bastrop hardy perennials, shrubs, and succulents, along with vegetable starts. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Library’s summer reading program for kids. We raised over $11,000 in our 2018 event (even better than the over $8000 in 2017, $6,661 in 2016 and $5300 in 2015) at the event. Click here for more information. This is much appreciated by the Bastrop Library and the Friends of the Library to help support their programs.
Purpose and Overview of Lost Pines Garden Club
The Lost Pines Garden Club is an organization which promotes central Texas gardening through networking, presentations by experts, and facilitating access to information related to gardening.
We meet the second Tuesday of the month (Sep through May) at the Bastrop Public Library, 1100 Church Street, Bastrop TX.
Monthly programs include a social/networking time, a short business meeting and normally an informative presentation or demonstration by a person knowledgeable in some aspect of gardening in our area. Membership is open to anyone interested in gardening. Annual dues are $15. Guests are welcome.
Membership is open to anyone who is interested in gardening (flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs, etc.). We also do projects which help beautify the community.